Cross-country workshop on Research Findings on National Models of Financing and Provision of Optical Services in Indonesia and Cambodia.

On the 25th of January 2024, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), National Program for Eye Health (NPEH) with technical support from the Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF) and Lion Club International Foundation (LCIF) organized cross-country workshop on Research Findings on National Models of Financing and Provision of Optical Services in Indonesia and Cambodia.
The aim of this workshop is to share valuable insights and research findings from both countries, encourage discussions and knowledge exchange between stakeholders in Cambodia, Indonesia, and beyond. These efforts will inform eye health policies, regulations, and interventions to improve eye health outcomes while ensuring more access to the eye health care services without financial hardship.
Participants from the National Program for Eye Health (NPEH), National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Indonesian MOH, International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), The Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF) Cambodia, FHF Regional Country Offices and Global Technical Advisors participated in this workshop.