Health System Research Center
One of the NIPH’s goals is to become a center of excellence in public health and health systems research. We promote evidence-based health system policy and governance through conducting high quality public health and health systems research to generate relevant evidence for policy, harnessing evidence generated by other health researchers, and transferring available knowledge and evidence to policy makers.
“Health systems research is the brains of the health system”
We have highly qualified and experienced multidisciplinary research team, including four senior researchers with PhD degree from the United States, Japan and Europe. We work with a number of world-class research institutions such as, John Hopkins University, Howards University, the University of Melbourne, and the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp.
World Health Day 2018
April 05, 20018 By : NIPHToday NIPH participate World Health Day workshop under the theme “Health for All-Universal Health Coverage: Everyone Everywhere”. To celebrate World Health Day, with the Ministry of Health of Cambodia along with partners WHO, JICA and GIZ are convening a Cambodia Universal Health Cove

NIPH conduct end-line evaluation Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health project
NIPH is selected to evaluate the improvement of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health project (ASRH) in order to compare to baseline data....

Antibiotic resistance: from research to action
By : NIPHAntibiotic resistance is a global public health threat. It is a multidisciplinary challenge to communities, patients, health services, laboratories and health policies. The 59th Colloquium of the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp (ITM) and its Cambodian partners will feature the latest clini
Management and Leadership Training-Liberated as an Interactive Training
26 July 2018 By : NIPHPhnom Penh, NIPH conducted a Liberating Structures (LS) Workshop for the Technical Working Group of Management and Leadership Training to Health Professional Managers, Faculty Members at School of Public Health and NIPH Partners.

NIPH starts new mission with SCUBY project
March 05, 2019 By : NIPHHypertension and type 2 diabetes are well known diseases that many countries struggle to find the best way to treat included Cambodia. Th

SCUBY Project Launch in Cambodia
30 April, 2019 By : NIPHOn 18 March 2019, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) launched the SCUBY project in Cambodia at Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh. The launch was highly presided over by H.E Prof. ENG

Workshop on Evidence-Based Health Policy Making - December 2-4, 2019
By : NIPHK2P Center visits NIPH as part of its K2P Mentorship Program for a training workshop on Evidence-Based Health Policy Making in order to understand the importance of properly implementing knowledge translation techniques in order to produce policies that will resonate with policy makers and g

Belgium Embassy representative and DGD delegate visit to NIPH, December 5, 2019
By : NIPHNIPH welcoming Arnt Kennis, First secretary of the Belgian Embassy in Bangkok and Marc Fransen, Desk officer of DGD Brussels to its premises for an introduction on its function in the health system in Cambodia and visit to its microbiology lab and OPD....

FA4 Joint Partners Meeting - December 11, 2019
By : NIPHITM and its Cambodian partners held its third annual Joint Partners Meeting on 11 December 2019 to enhance the collaboration and synergies between them. Progress and challenges in 2019 were reviewed and we've identified solutions to overcome the challenges and innovative ideas to improve syne

Prof. Lincoln Chen, President of China Medical Board, visits Preah Vihear Health Centers and NIPH
January 16, 2020, 11:50AM By : NIPHNIPH, in collaboration with the Provincial Health Department of Preah Vihear, on January 11,12 2020 led Professor Lincoln Chen, President of China Medical Board, to visit two Health Centers (Koh Ke health center and Sra Em health center respectively) in Preah Vihear Province (OD Tbeng Meanchey) a

2nd Consortium Meeting of SCUBY on February 10-14 to focus on individual countries' progress and roadmap to improve standard care of Type 2 diabetes and hypertension
January 27,2020 By : NIPHLearn more about SCUBY: https:

Nutrition facts: Rice with fried pork and stewed egg
March 06, 2020 By : NIPHStudents, batch 7 of Master of Sciences in Nutrition of School of Public Health, have conducted food analysis by using food weight and food analysis software on rice with fried pork and stewed egg. The result of the food analysis is compared to the recommended dietary allowance for adult populati

Nutrition facts: Beef Noodle Soup
March 12, 2020 By : NIPHStudents, batch 7 of Master of Sciences in Nutrition of School of Public Health, have conducted food analysis by using food weight and food analysis software on Beef Noodle Soup. The result of the food analysis is compared to the daily requirements for adult population of 2000kcal....

Chinese medical experts meet with Ministry of Health, NIPH representatives and Health Center directors at the National Institute of Public Health, Cambodia
March 24, 2020 By : NIPHFollowing their arrival in Phnom Penh on the morning of March 23, 2020, Chinese medical experts from Guang Xi province were invited to an afternoon meeting with national health repr

Donation of disinfecting equipment to NIPH from T.E.A.V Agriculture
April 2, 2020 By : NIPHវិទ្យាស្ថានជាតិសុខភាពសាធារណៈ សូមថ្លែងអំណរគុណចំពោះ T.E.A.V Agriculture Co.LTD ហៅ ទាវ កៅ ដែលបានបរិច្ចាគធុងបាញ់ថ្នាំប្រើអាគ

Training on how to prevent and manage the spread of COVID-19 in Cambodia
April 07, 2020 By : NIPHPhnom Penh, April 06, 2020: Being the National Institute of Public Health and providing assistance to the Ministry of Health of Cambodia, the institute has been given the task to become the leading training provider in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of control and pre

Donation of $500 from the Association for Medical Laboratory Development to NIPH
April 10, 2020 By : NIPHNIPH would like extend its gratitude to the Association for Medical Laboratory Development for the donation of $500 to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic....

Training on the creation and the use of software for COVID-19 prevention use
April 17, 2020 By : NIPH

Is this a lull before the storm? [Phnom Penh Post article]
May 07, 2020 By : NIPHSource: Phnom Penh Post, Sangeetha Amarthalingam | Publication date 07 May 2020 | 22:21 ICT...

SCUBY consortium meeting 2020, Cambodia - February 11-14 2020
May 27, 2020 By : NIPHAfter an opening session which included welcome words by the head of the Siem Reap Public Health Director, Dr. Kros Sarath and the director of NIPH, Prof. Chhea Chhorvann, the consortium discussed the current progre

Technical Working Group Meeting on Training Curriculum on Management and Leadership for Hospital Managers
June 04, 2020 By : NIPHOn June 4th, our group of mentors and trainers came together to discuss the modules that will be taught to hospital managers in order for them to better their hospitals and achieve their desired outcomes. One particular focus is to improve said hospital managers' soft skills in management and

NIPH started the 3rd Cohort Training on 'Management and Leadership' for Health Center Manager
June 22, 2020 By : NIPHកម្មវិធីបណ្តុះបណ្តាលស្តីពី "ការគ្រប់គ្រងនិងភាពជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ" សម្រាប់មន្រ្តីគ្រប់គ្រងមណ្ឌលសុខភាព រួមប

Announcement: New Policy Fellowship Program on Health Policy and System Research (HPSR)
July 15, 2020 By : NIPHThe National institute of Public Health (NIPH) with its partner, Knowledge to Policy Centre (K2P Centre) of the American University of Beirut, a World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice is organizin

Policy dialogue of drafted Briefing Note on Strengthening Integrated Diabetes Care in Cambodian Primary Health Care
October 23, 2020 By : NIPHWith support from Alliance for Health Policy for Systems Research and K2P Center, the National Institute of Public Health held a policy dialogue of the drafted Briefing note on strengthening integrated diabetes care in Cambodian Primary Care. The discussion was centered on how to improve the curr

International research alliance aims to translate new cervical cancer screening strategy to low-income settings
October 18, 2021 By : NIPHGhent, Belgium – October 4, 2021 – An international research alli

Job Announcement: NIPH is looking for a Data Management, Coordination Officer, Influenza Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) and Influenza Like Illness (ILI) Surveillance System (Influenza Surveillance Officer)
October 26, 2021 By : NIPHNIPH is looking for a Data Management, Coordination Officer, Influenza Surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) and Influenza Like Illness (ILI) Surveillance System (Influenza Surveillance Officer)....
Cross-country workshop on Research Findings on National Models of Financing and Provision of Optical Services in Indonesia and Cambodia.
On the 25th of January 2024, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), National Program for Eye Health (NPEH) with technical support from the Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF) and Lion Club International Foundation (LCIF) organized cross-country workshop on Research Findings on National Models
Improving quality of care in public and private sector is a top priority of Cambodian health system and policy, and a necessary condition to reach quality universal health coverage. We conduct operational researches and evaluations of quality improvement initiatives. We also collect necessary data and evidence on water, sanitation and hygiene as a pre-condition for quality of care.
Strengthening health financing and expanding social health protection coverage are also crucial for universal health coverage. We conduct research on health financing, including impact evaluation of social health protection initiatives, and studies on costs of health services.
In response to a pressing need for solutions to address the increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR), we are building our research capacity in this area, and being engaged in a number of AMR related activities, including preparation of an international conference on antibiotic resistance in sub-Mekong region to be held in Phnom Penh on 5-7 December 2018.
- COVAX announced the signing of an advance purchase agreement for up to 40 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine; rollout to commence with successful execution of supply agreements.
- Additionally, COVAX announced that, pending WHO emergency use listings, nearly 150 million doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford candidate are anticipated to be available in Q1 2021, via existing agreements with the Serum Institute of India (SII) and AstraZeneca.
- COVAX is therefore on track to deliver at least 2 billion doses by the end of the year, including at least 1.3 billion doses to 92 lower income economies in the Gavi COVAX AMC.
- Click here for the latest COVAX supply forecast
Geneva/Oslo 22 January 2021 – COVAX, the global initiative to ensure rapid and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for all countries, regardless of income level, today announced the signing of an advance purchase agreement with Pfizer for up to 40 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine candidate, which has already received WHO emergency use listing. Rollout will commence with the successful negotiation and execution of supply agreements.
In further support of its mission to expedite early availability of vaccines to lower-income countries and help bring a rapid end to the acute stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, COVAX also confirmed today that it will exercise an option – via an existing agreement with Serum Institute of India (SII) – to receive its first 100 million doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford University-developed vaccine manufactured by SII.
Of these first 100 million doses, the majority are earmarked for delivery in the first quarter of the year, pending WHO Emergency Use Listing. The WHO review process, which is currently underway, follows approval for restricted use in emergency situations by the Drugs Controller General of India earlier this month, and is a critical aspect of ensuring that any vaccine procured through COVAX is fully quality assured for international use. According to the latest WHO update, a decision on this vaccine candidate is anticipated by the middle of February.
COVAX also anticipates that, via an existing agreement with AstraZeneca, at least 50 million further doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine will be available for delivery to COVAX participants in Q1 2021, pending emergency use listing by WHO of the COVAX-specific manufacturing network for these doses. A decision on this candidate is also anticipated by WHO in February.
“Today marks another milestone for COVAX: pending regulatory approval for the AstraZeneca/Oxford candidate and pending the successful conclusion of the supply agreement for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, we anticipate being able to begin deliveries of life-saving COVID-19 vaccines by the end of February. This is not just significant for COVAX, it is a major step forward for equitable access to vaccines, and an essential part of the global effort to beat this pandemic. We will only be safe anywhere if we are safe everywhere,” said Dr Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which leads COVAX procurement and delivery.
Preparations, led by WHO, UNICEF and Gavi, are already well under way for COVAX to deliver vaccines to economies eligible for support via the COVAX AMC, with Gavi making US$ 150 million available from its core funding as initial, catalytic support for preparedness and delivery.
“The urgent and equitable rollout of vaccines is not just a moral imperative, it’s also a health security, strategic and economic imperative,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization. “This agreement with Pfizer will help to enable COVAX to save lives, stabilize health systems and drive the global economic recovery.”
Building on the work of the past months supporting country readiness efforts, a “Country Readiness Portal” will be launched by WHO this month, which will allow AMC participants to submit final national deployment and vaccination plans (NDVPs). This is a vital step before allocations can be made, to ensure that delivered doses are able to be effectively deployed and to identify where, if necessary, further support is needed.
“These purchase agreements open the door for these lifesaving vaccines to become available to people in the most vulnerable countries,” said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. “But at the same time we are securing vaccines we must also ensure that countries are ready to receive them, deploy them, and build trust in them.”
The COVAX Facility intends to provide all 190 participating economies with an indicative allocation of doses by the end of this month. This indicative allocation will provide interim guidance to participants – offering a minimum planning scenario to enable preparations for the final allocation of the number of doses each participant will receive in the first rounds of vaccine distribution.
Supply update
COVAX now has agreements in place to access just over two billion doses of several promising vaccine candidates. Negotiations continue for further doses to be secured through existing R&D agreements by COVAX co-lead the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), through evaluations of new products with promising results and through contributions from donors.
Based on this, COVAX anticipates being able to provide participating economies doses of safe and effective vaccines – enough to protect health care and other frontline workers as well as some high-risk individuals – beginning in Q1 2021. The aim is to protect at least 20% of each participating population by the end of the year – unless a participant has requested a lower percentage of doses. At least 1.3 billion of these doses will be made available to the 92 economies eligible for the Gavi COVAX AMC by the end of 2021.
To meet its goal of securing two billion safe and effective vaccines in 2021, COVAX has built a diverse portfolio of vaccine candidates which mitigates the risk of a product failing development, production or regulatory processes, and ensures availability of products suitable for various contexts and settings. This work will continue at pace to enable further supply of vaccines suitable for use across a wide range of populations and settings in 2021 and beyond.
“The progress in vaccine development so far has been extraordinary, and it is clear that we are now assembling the tools we need to bring the acute phase of the pandemic to an end. But we cannot afford to slow our efforts given the speed with which this pandemic continues to wreak havoc,” said Dr Richard Hatchett, CEO of CEPI. “The emergence of new variants of COVID-19 puts into sharp focus the need for us to be one step ahead of the virus by continuing to invest in vaccine R&D - specifically for next-generation vaccine candidates and to be ready for strain changes in existing vaccines - to ensure we have the tools to meet the needs of all populations in all countries for the long term.”
Source: WHO | 22 January 2021 | News release | Reading time: 8 min (2258 words)
We work with number of research partners, including the world-class research institutions such as John Hopkins University, Howards University, the University of Melbourne, the Institute of Tropical Medicine.
We conducted research for many years in Cambodia, our finding benefited to many partners and clients to make the right policies or their decisions to their project.
Access to health care for all? User fees plus a Health Equity Fund in Sotnikum, Cambodia
A comparative analysis of public social assistance systems in Belgium and Health Equity Funds in Cambodia: an overview of lessons learned
Addressing access barriers to health services: an analytical framework for selecting appropriate interventions in low-income Asian countries
Strengthening institutional and organizational capacity for social health protection of the informal sector in lesser-developed countries: A study of policy barriers and opportunities in Cambodia
National coverage and health service utilization by Health Equity Fund members, 2004-2015
Boosting facility deliveries with results-based financing: a mixed-methods evaluation of the government midwifery incentive scheme in Cambodia

Psychological distress among Cambodian people who use drugs

Exploring the determinants of distress health financing in Cambodia

Who benefits from the healthcare spending in Cambodia? Evidence for a universal health coverage policy

The impact of reimbursed user fee exemption of health centre outpatient consultations for the poor in pluralistic health systems: lessons from a quasi-experiment in two rural health districts in Cambodia

Potential Use of Community-Based Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Febrile Illnesses - Formative Research in Peru and Cambodia

Resilient and people-centred health systems: Progress, challenges and future directions in Asia

Cost-effectiveness of malaria elimination in Sampov Loun Operational District, Cambodia

Can social accountability improve access to free public health care for the poor? Analysis of three Health Equity Fund configurations in Cambodia, 2015-2017

Staying afloat: community perspectives on health system resilience in the management of pregnancy and childbirth care during floods in Cambodia

Cross-border medical travels from Cambodia: pathways to care, associated costs and equity implications

The COVID-19 pandemic: diverse contexts; different epidemics—how and why?