2nd Consortium Meeting of SCUBY on February 10-14 to focus on individual countries' progress and roadmap to improve standard care of Type 2 diabetes and hypertension

2nd Consortium Meeting for SCUBY
The National Institute of Public Health Cambodia (NIPH), along with its partners in the project, Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) Belgium, Community Health Center Ljubljana (CHCL), University of Antwerp (UA) and University of Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) is organizing the 2nd consortium meeting of the “Scale-up an integrated care package for diabetes and hypertension” for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium. This consortium will take place from 10-14 February 2020, at Angkor Paradise Hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
This year’s consortium meeting will have for objectives to share preliminary findings of each participating countries situation analysis resulted from WP2 & 3 as well as draw key messages. This scope will extend towards finding out which steps forwards should be taken for the Integrated Care Package (ICP) to be successful by discussing roadmaps, analyzing the health systems of the countries and how to disseminate this information to the right policymakers to achieve change.
The consortium meeting will be divided in a series of presentations and workshops according to each work packages (WP) and structured around these steps:
- A situation analysis of the implemented sites and stakeholders
- Costing and financing studies
- Analyzing the current health monitoring system
- What scale-up strategies can be identified and implemented
- How to disseminate this information and evaluate the project
As type 2 diabetes and hypertension progressively become one of the main factors of public health in the world, monitoring, analyzing, implementing, reporting a way to effectively treat these diseases and improving standard care is an integral part of the SCUBY project. The SCUBY consortium meeting is held once a year, previously in 2019 in Ljubljana, Slovenia and now in 2020 Siem Reap, Cambodia. This 4-year project frequently asks its project partner to disseminate their findings every month through their institutes.
Key topics
Diabetes, Hypertension, Public Health, Health financing, Policy Making, Scale-Up integrated care package, roadmap
Learn more about SCUBY: https://www.scuby.eu/