NIPH - News & Events

World Health Day 2018

 NIPH    April 05, 20018
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Today NIPH participate World Health Day workshop under the theme “Health for All-Universal Health Coverage: Everyone Everywhere”. To celebrate World Health Day, with the Ministry of Health of Cambodia along with partners WHO, JICA and GIZ are convening a Cambodia Universal Health Coverage Forum on 5-6 April 2018 at SOKHA HOTEL in PHNOM PENH.

As part of the event, NIPH also present topics to participants:
Equity in access and financing by Prof. Chhea Chhorvann
Panel discussion: Current development in Cambodia to move towards UHS: Progress, challenges, and way forward: the role of each sector by Dr. Ir Por

This event brings together decision-makers from different Ministries and from the provinces along with development partners to reflect on Cambodia’s achievements to date towards universal health coverage and consider how to accelerate progress to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal target 3.8 of universal health coverage by 2030. International experts from Thailand, Indonesia and Japan are also attending to provide insights on these countries’ experiences in this journey and reflect on what Cambodia can learn. The Forum provides an opportunity to highlight current initiatives in Cambodia and concrete priority steps for the way forward towards universal health coverage in this country.
There are around 120 participants: Central Ministry of Health, National Centers, National Hospitals, Provincial Health Departments, Training Institutions, Ministry of Economy & Finance, the National Council for Social Protection Secretariat, Ministry of Planning, NSSF, Health Professional Associations, and Development Partners.

Universal health coverage (UHC) is about making sure all people have access to quality health services where and when they need them, without financial hardship. This entails the provision of various health services throughout the life course —from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. The Ministry of Health of Cambodia has committed to moving towards UHC and to achieving the vision of “All people in Cambodia to have better health and wellbeing, thereby contributing to sustainable socio-economic development” (Third Health Strategic Plan 2016-2020 – HSP3), stated by WHO.

Read More from WHO: