NIPH conduct end-line evaluation Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health project

NIPH is selected to evaluate the improvement of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health project (ASRH) in order to compare to baseline data.
Under the new strategic plan of Plan International Cambodia, supported by SIDA, ASRH project has been implemented in Tboung Khmum and Rattanak Kiri province since January 2015, the project will have ended by the end of June 2018 (within three years). Two civil society organizations, Khmer Youth Association (KYA) and Phnum Srei Organization for Development (PSOD) has been partnered with Plan International Cambodia to implement the project.
The purpose of the project is to
• Empower the rural and ethnic minority out of school youth (ages 10-24) to make informed SRH decisions and advocate for sustainable ASRH services,
• Enhance capacity of health officials to provide youth-friendly SRH services,
• Enhance Parents, Village Health Support Groups (VHSGs), and local/sub-national authorities create an enabling environment to promote SRHR.
A group of NIPH’s researchers are in the progress working on collecting data. The final finding is expected to be released by at the end of June 2018.