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Associate Prof. Bun Samnang, M.D., MSc.

Associate Prof. Bun Samnang is currently a Chief of Health Economics and Financing office at the Department of Planning and Health Information (DPHI) of the Ministry of Health (MoH) and has joined the SPH since 2008. He earned his Medical Doctor Degree in 1994 from Mongolian Medical University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. He had eight-year clinical experiences in Kampong Chhnang hospital, Kampong Chhnang province (1994-2003). In 2005, he earned his MSc in Health Economics from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He has worked more than 15 years in health financing especially in the area of social health insurance, health financing and costing, and social health protection schemes in Cambodia. He is now lecturing the course of Health Economics in Public Health.