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Prof. Chap Seak Chhay, MD., MPH., MHPEd

Prof. Chap Seak Chhay is currently a Deputy Directorate General of Admin & Finance of Ministry of Health (MoH), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Public Health and Health Professions Educator. He was also a former Deputy Director of the National Institute of Public Health. He holds a Medical Doctor Degree (MD) from the University of Health Sciences in Cambodia, a Master of Public Health (MPH) on Health System Development from Chulalongkorn University in 1998 and a Master in Health Professions Education (MHPEd) from the University of the Philippines Manila (UPM) in 2013. He has broader knowledge and experience in public health, and expertise in teaching and learning strategies, training needs assessment and educational development for the health professions. He has been visiting Professor of Health Professions Education at the College-National Teacher Training Center for the Health Professions/WHO WPRO Regional Education Development Center for the Health Professions, UPM since November 1, 2013. Through his career, he has published several national and international, and peer-reviewed research articles and reports. He had been the MHA Education Program Coordinator at SPH since 2014. He is now lecturing the courses of Organizational Leadership in Hospital, Principle of Hospital Management, Quality Management of Health Facilities in Hospital, and Human Resource in Hospital Settings