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Assistant Prof. Tol Bunkea, MD, MSc.

Assistant Prof. Tol Bunkea is currently the Head of Epidemiology Unit at the National Center for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control (CNM), Ministry of Health, Cambodia. He graduated a Medical Doctor (MD) in 1997 from the University of Health Sciences in Cambodia and obtained a Master of Science in Epidemiology (MSc) in 2004 from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom (UK). He has been working for the past 19 years on the epidemiology and control of malaria disease, with a strong focus on the malaria surveillance system and survey. He also works with government and development partners in strengthening the malaria surveillance system and malaria elimination strategy, which is responsible for the data management and analysis of malaria research. He is now lecturing the courses of the Intermediate Epidemiology, Intermediate Biostatistics, and Occupational & Environmental Epidemiology at School of Public Health of the National Institute of Public Health.