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Associate Prof. Has Phalmony M.D., MPH

Associate Prof. Has Phalmony is currently a Deputy Head of the Technical Bureau at the National Institute of Public Health and has been the faculty member in the School of Public Health since 2007. His background was a medical doctor, graduated in 1990 from the faculty of medicine, the University of Health Sciences, Phnom Penh Cambodia. He worked for Kampong Cham Pediatric Hospital and taught pediatrics and medicine at Regional Nursing School in Kampong Cham from 1992-1996. He got his Master of Public Health degree from the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium in 2001, and graduated from International Field Epidemiology Program (IFETP), Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, in 2007. He used to work for WHO as a technical officer for Applied Epidemiology Training Program, and to join the Applied Management Training Course (AMTC), South Asia Field Epidemiology and Technology Network (Safetynet). He is now lecturing subjects of Public Health Management I & II, and Quality Management in Public Health.