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Prof. Heng Sopheab, MD, MPH, PhD.

Prof. Heng Sopheab is currently a Deputy Director of the National Institute of Public Health and Head of Academic Affairs at the School of Public Health (SPH). He has been the public health researcher with about 20 years of extensive experiences in HIV/STI related studies, surveillance, and M&E, maternal and child health and sexual and reproductive health. He graduated from UHS with Medical Degree in 1994. In 2001, he got his MPH in Health Services (International Health Program) from the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. In 2009, he was awarded the Ph.D. from the Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway. He has published the number of articles in international peer-reviewed journals, many research and technical reports in Cambodia. He is now lecturing Intermediate Biostatistics, Intermediate Epidemiology, Data Management and Analysis with STATA, Research Proposal Writing, Rapid Survey in Health Research, and Thesis Development Workshop.